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CLD Joins Letter on Safety of Journalists and Access to Information in Gaza

26 March 2024.

The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) has joined a civil society letter to Media Freedom Coalition Member States calling for action on the safety of journalists in Gaza. The letter notes that while “on December 5, 2023, 24 members of the Media Freedom Coalition expressed concern about the plight of journalists in Israel and Gaza, in more than five months of a devastating conflict, with record numbers of journalists killed, primarily by Israeli forces in Gaza, there has been no credible action taken by MFC Member States.”

The letter calls on Member States to call for journalists to be treated as civilians in accordance with international humanitarian law norms, urges “immediate and unfettered” access of journalists to Gaza and calls for “prompt, independent, effective and thorough investigations” into killings of journalists.

The full letter is available here.


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