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CLD and Yayasan SET Host Conference on Government Secrecy

An international conference hosted by the Centre for Law and Democracy and Yayasan SET called on the Indonesian government to drop its long-standing initiative to adopt a secrecy law. In the one-day meeting on 5 December 2011, several speakers noted that Law No. 14 of 2008 on Public Information Disclosure already provided sufficient protection to … Continue reading

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CLD and AIE Issue Comments on Draft OGP Information Disclosure Policy

The Open Government Partnership, a global transparency initiative jointly sponsored by US President Obama and Brazilian President Rousseff, must significantly improve its internal access to information policy to meet the standards it is advancing according to an analysis by CLD and Access Info Europe.

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CLD and LRWC Issue Comments on Cambodian Draft NGO Law

Having previously commented on the need for the Cambodian government to reconsider passage of their draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations, the Centre for Law and Democracy welcomed news that the Ministry of the Interior is inviting representatives of civil society to present comments on its newest (fourth) draft of the Law.

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Analysis of the Draft Sri Lankan Access to Information Law

The Centre for Law and Democracy today published its analysis of a draft Sri Lankan Freedom of Information Act. The draft Act was prepared by UNP Deputy Leader Karu Jayasuriya, an opposition Member of Parliament. Mr. Jayasuriya has been trying for some time, so far without success, to have this Bill introduced into Parliament. Although … Continue reading

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CLD and Media Alliance of Zimbabwe Host Meeting on RTI

The Centre for Law and Democracy and the Media Alliance of Zimbabwe brought together a range of groups working on different issues in Bvumba, Zimbabwe on November 10 to discuss a broad-based campaign on the right to information. The groups – working on issues such as HIV-AIDs, the disabled, media freedom, faith-based groups and economic … Continue reading

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Comments on the Draft Afghan Access to Information Law

The Centre for Law and Democracy today published its analysis of a draft Afghan Access to Information Law. The draft Law was created from two previous drafts, one prepared by civil society and one by government. The aim is to present a consensus version in the hope that this will help ensure that it becomes … Continue reading

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Commentary on Internet Rights and Principles Charter

The Centre for Law and Democracy today released Version 2 of a Commentary on the Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet, providing a detailed analysis of the implications of a range of fundamental human rights for the Internet. The Charter itself was prepared by the Internet Rights and Principles Coalition, which in … Continue reading

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Burma: Imprisoned for Reporting

A legal analysis of the cases of five Burmese video-journalists, who remain in prison despite the release of some 200 political prisoners by the Burmese government, discloses flagrant breaches of human rights. The Note, by the Centre for Law and Democracy, found widespread abuses of the rights to freedom of expression, freedom of association and … Continue reading

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Global Monitoring Finds Widespread Violations of Right to Information

The largest global monitoring of the right of access to information in practice, the Ask Your Government! 6 Question Campaign has found widespread violations of the right to information with only 1 in 4 requests resulting in provision of full information.

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CLD and Access Info Unveil Global RTI Index

On International Right to Know Day, the Centre for Law and Democracy, in cooperation with Access Info Europe, are launching the first detailed analysis of the legal framework for the right to information (RTI) in 89 countries around the world. Click here to access our project website, including an interactive map displaying the state of … Continue reading

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CLD and LRWC Issue Open Letter to Cambodian Government

The Centre for Law and Democracy and Lawyers Rights Watch Canada have co-authored an open letter to the Cambodian government urging them to reconsider passage of their draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations. The letter points out that the law in its current form violates international standards and serves to undermine the fundamental right … Continue reading

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Comments on the Draft Model Law for AU Member States on Access to Information

The draft Model Law for African Union Member States is being prepared by the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in Africa, in partnership with the Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria. The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights is calling for feedback on the draft Model … Continue reading

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African Development Bank: Openness Proposals Fall Short

The African Development Bank (AfDB) is currently holding consultations with interested stakeholders regarding the ongoing review of its 2005 access to information policy. As part that process, a new draft policy, the African Development Bank Group Policy on Disclosure and Access to Information, was posted on the Bank’s website in June 2001. The Global Transparency … Continue reading

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Comments on the Draft Law of Kazakhstan on Information Access

The parliament of Kazakhstan is preparing a right to information law, following on from years of discussion about this important issue. These Comments by CLD analyse the most recent draft, noting that it has a number of important positive features, but also highlighting some significant shortcomings, such as the lack of an oversight body and … Continue reading

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Amending Access to Information Legislation: Legal and Political Issues

Almost 90 countries around the world have enacted access to information (ATI) legislation, and in many of these countries, reforms and amendments are either being considered or have been passed. However, even minor adjustments to the legal framework around ATI laws can have substantial impact on how the law is implemented and used. While access … Continue reading

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Indonesia: Joint CLD-AJI Training for CSOs on FOI Law

CLD and AJI have just completed three training sessions for journalists and civil society organisations in Jakarta, Surabaya and Lampung. The training seeks to build civil society demand for information under the Indonesian right to information law, which came into force last year. It is part of a wider programme on openness that CLD is … Continue reading

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Joint Declaration on Access to the Internet

The popularization of the internet has revolutionized the concept of free expression by providing unprecedented opportunities for the communication of ideas. In order to assist legislators, judges, and civil society groups in adapting to this new reality, the Centre for Law and Democracy participated in drafting the 11th Joint Declaration by the four specialized mandates … Continue reading

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Defining the Scope of National Security – An Issues Paper

It is legitimate for states to exempt information whose release would be prejudicial to national security from their disclosure laws. But in order to insure that this exemption is not abused it is important to develop an acceptably narrow definition of what constitutes national security. To this end, the Centre for Law and Democracy has … Continue reading

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Public service broadcasting: a comparative legal survey

The Centre for Law and Democracy is pleased to announce the publication of the second edition of “Public Service Broadcasting: a comparative legal survey”. This edition, authored by CLD’s Executive Director Toby Mendel, explores the legal and regulatory systems governing public service broadcasters in eight different countries around the world. The book examines how different … Continue reading

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Iraq: Note on the Draft Journalists Protection Law

A Journalist Protection Law prepared by the Iraqi Syndicate of Journalists and endorsed by the government of Iraq, has been laid before the Iraqi Parliament for its consideration. This note by CLD points out that the draft Law includes a number of important protections for journalists. But it defines a journalist as a member of … Continue reading

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