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Malawi’s Right to Information Bill Would Rank 15th Globally

In November 2015, two years after the country committed to pass a right to information law, Malawi’s Ministry of Justice finally unveiled a draft Access to Information Bill. An Analysis of the Bill released today by the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) shows that, if passed, the Bill would be one of the stronger … Continue reading

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International Partnership Mission Releases Recommendations for Indonesia

The 2015 International Partnership Mission to Indonesia (IPMI) has released its Observations and Recommendations, including a detailed list of suggested measures to protect freedom of expression in the country. The Observations and Recommendations focus on challenges faced by local and foreign journalists, legal and regulatory threats to freedom of expression, and Indonesia’s continuing climate of … Continue reading

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Sri Lanka Proposes Strong Right to Information Act

The Sri Lankan Cabinet has approved a draft Right to Information (RTI) Act which, if passed into law, would be among the strongest in the world. Although Sri Lanka is a relative latecomer in this area – being the only country in South Asia apart from Bhutan that has yet to adopt an RTI law … Continue reading

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Myanmar Media Lawyers Commit to Engaging on Broadcast Reform

The Myanmar Media Lawyers’ Network (MMLN) and the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) hosted a workshop on 29 November to discuss changes to the country’s broadcasting framework, and how they will impact freedom of expression in the country. The workshop, which was carried out with support from International Media Support (IMS), featured a robust … Continue reading

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Myanmar’s National Right to Information Coalition Expands to Shan State

On 24 November 2015, over 70 representatives from the Eastern Shan State Civil Society Network met in Tachileik to discuss the right to information (RTI) in Myanmar. The workshop was hosted by Pyi Gyi Khin, a Myanmar-based NGO working on this issue, along with the Centre for Law and Democracy, with the support of International … Continue reading

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UNEP: Draft Information Policy Better But More Needed

Almost exactly 18 months ago, when CLD commented on the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) first ever Access-to-Information Policy, the title of our press release was “Practise what you preach”. This reflected the hypocrisy of UNEP advising others to adopt strong rules on the right to information (RTI) while putting in place a very substandard … Continue reading

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International Delegation calls on Indonesian President to Address Media Freedom Concerns

An international delegation of media and freedom of expression organisations met with the Indonesian government to discuss the state of media in the country. It highlighted concerns regarding journalist safety and an environment that poses significant threats to freedom of expression. At a meeting on Thursday, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Luhut … Continue reading

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Vietnam: Draft Right to Information Law a Good Start

Vietnam now appears to be moving forward with its draft law on access to information held by public authorities (the Law on Access to Information), which is expected to be adopted by the National Assembly in 2016. Discussions about such a law have been ongoing for some time, so it is heartening that the country … Continue reading

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Italy: Draft Right to Information Law Falls Short

Italy is one of the few countries in Europe which still does not have a dedicated law on access to information held by public authorities (right to information law). Member of Parliament Anna Ascani has now prepared a dedicated RTI law with a view to addressing this anomaly, but the draft has a long way … Continue reading

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Liberals and NDP Pledge Access to Information Reform

One month ago, a coalition of 22 NGOs from across Canada signed a Joint Letter calling on the leaders of Canada’s political parties to make concrete commitments to reform Canada’s outdated access to information system. Today, we are pleased to have received promises from the NDP and Liberal parties to substantively improve the system if … Continue reading

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Green Climate Fund: Exceptions Dominate Draft Information Policy

In August, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) published a draft Information Disclosure Policy for purposes of public consultation. Once finalised, the Policy will replace the GCF’s Interim Information Disclosure Practice, adopted in October 2013. Moves to adopt a longer-term policy in this area are welcome. However, a Submission supported by CLD and endorsed by a … Continue reading

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CLD Event in Halifax September 28

Join us for a Discussion on 28 September, International Right to Know Day, To Talk About How to Promote Transparent Government The right to access information held by public bodies, known as the right to information, is internationally recognised as a human right and protected under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The right provides … Continue reading

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Fix Canada’s Broken Access to Information System

The undersigned organizations have issued a Joint Letter to the major political parties in Canada calling on them to make concrete commitments to reform Canada’s access to information system. A strong access to information system is vital to maintaining a healthy democracy. The public has the right to obtain the information it needs to participate … Continue reading

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Quebec: Access to Information Reform Proposals Only a Start

The government of Quebec has put forward a detailed set of proposals to reform its law on access to information and protection of personal data, in the form of the policy paper, Orientations gouvernementales pour un gouvernement plus transparent, dans le respect du droit à la vie privee et la protection des renseignements personnels. The … Continue reading

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Trinidad and Tobago: Problems with Cybercrime Bill

A draft Cybercrime Bill prepared by the government of Trinidad and Tobago would criminalise a wide range of legitimate digital activity, according to an analysis of the Bill released today by the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD). Although the Bill has formally lapsed, it is likely that a similar draft will be introduced in … Continue reading

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Mandalay CSOs Join National RTI Coalition

On 23 July 2015, a group of 40 civil society representatives from across Upper Myanmar came together in Mandalay to discuss the importance of the right to information (RTI) to the country’s democratic transition. The participants agreed to form an Upper Myanmar RTI Working Group and to select members to join the central RTI Working … Continue reading

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Myanmar Lawyers’ Workshop Focuses on Freedom of Expression

On 25 July 2015, the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) and the Myanmar Media Lawyers’ Network (MMLN), with the support of International Media Support (IMS), carried out a workshop for lawyers on defamation law and restrictions on freedom of expression in the name of national security. The workshop, which involved 25 lawyers from Yangon, … Continue reading

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Pakistan Aims for Top Position in the RTI Rating

A draft Right to Information Act prepared by the government of Pakistan has scored an astonishing 146 points on the RTI Rating, which would put it 11 points ahead of the next best right to information law in the world, namely that of Serbia (which has 135 points). The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) … Continue reading

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Tanzania: Analysis of Media Service Bill

The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) today issued an analysis of the draft Media Services Act prepared by the government of Tanzania. If passed, the draft Act would represent a serious step backwards for freedom of expression in Tanzania. It is extremely broad in scope – covering not only traditional media but also online … Continue reading

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Indonesia Partnership Mission Welcomes Decision to End Restrictions on Journalists Covering Papua and West Papua

The International Partnership Mission to Indonesia (IPMI) welcomes the recent announcement by Indonesian President Joko Widodo that restrictions on foreign journalists seeking to cover the country’s easternmost provinces of Papua and West Papua will be lifted. The IPMI strongly encourages the President to back his statements with concrete changes in policy to ensure that journalists … Continue reading

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