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Author Archives: Toby

Comment on Measuring Openness: A Survey of Transparency Ratings and the Prospects for a Global Index by Sheila Coronel

Sheila Coronel’s paper, Measuring Openness: A Survey of Transparency Ratings and the Prospects for a Global Index, is the first serious piece of research about the systems for assessing government openness which have mushroomed in recent years, alongside a corresponding growth in overall interest in openness. It is useful inasmuch as it provides an overview … Continue reading

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Review of ELLA (Evidence and Lessons from Latin America) Programme Materials

Below is an Expert Review of the ELLA materials on Transparency and Access to Information, specifically the Guide on the Latin American Approach to Transparency and Access to Information, and the Practice Briefs on Building the Legal Framework to Support Transparency and Access to Information in Latin America, Fighting Corruption by Improving Transparency and Access … Continue reading

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Canada: UN Universal Periodic Review Submission

The Centre for Law and Democracy, in collaboration with four other civil society groups – the BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association (FIPA), Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE), Lawyer’s Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) and Pen Canada – provided a Submission to the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process on Canada. … Continue reading

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Open Letter to Cambodian Government Protesting Broadcaster’s Conviction

On 15 July 2012, Mam Sonando, a prominent Cambodian broadcaster, was arrested and charged with attempting to form a secession movement in the province of Kratie. The charges were wholly without merit, and the arrest was announced the day after Mr. Sonando appeared at the International Criminal Court for a presentation by the Khmer People … Continue reading

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Freedom of Expression in Egypt’s Draft Constitution

Egypt is in the midst of a vitally important phase in its democratic transition, and a vibrant debate is ongoing over the nature of its constitutional protections for human rights. In order to provide support to this discussion, the Centre for Law and Democracy today released a set of Comments, in English and in Arabic, … Continue reading

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Happy Right to Know Day!

The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) is celebrating the 10th anniversary of International Right to Know Day by launching two comparative publications and by hosting a debate on the right to know. “Incredible progress has been made on the right to information in the last the years,” said CLD Executive Director Toby Mendel. “But … Continue reading

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Myanmar: Analysis of Constitutional Guarantees

The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) and International Media Support (IMS) today released an Analysis of the guarantees for freedom of expression in the 2008 Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Although the 2008 Constitution represented an important step forward in terms of democracy and human rights, the Analysis highlights shortcomings … Continue reading

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Egypt: Need for Real Reform of Defamation Laws

On 23 August 2012, Egypt’s newly elected President, Mohamed Morsi, passed his very first decree after having wrested back legislative powers from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) earlier that month. The decree cancelled the possibility of pre-trial detention for journalists charged with insulting the president, leading to the release of Islam Afifi, … Continue reading

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Myanmar: Guidance on an Empowering Press Law

The Government of Myanmar is preparing a press law which is supposed to significantly democratise regulation of the print media, an important part of its overall plans to become a democracy. In order to help ensure that the law promotes press freedom, the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), working with the Southeast Asian Press … Continue reading

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Open Letter to Cambodian Government Protesting Broadcaster’s Detention

Centre for Law and Democracy, along with Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada and the International Federation of Journalists – Asia Pacific, have drafted an open letter to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen to protest the detention of Mam Sonando, an independent broadcaster and prominent critic of Cambodia’s government.

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Only 30% of OGP Action Plans Include RTI Reform

Since its launch in September 2011, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) has become the most high profile international movement for greater government transparency in the world. However, according to a Report released today by the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), only 30% of OGP Participating States have pledged to substantially enhance their legal frameworks … Continue reading

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Yemen Passes Strongest RTI Law in the Arab World

On 1 July 2012, Yemen marked a milestone in its transition to democratic government by passing the Law on the Right of Access to Information. An analysis by the Centre for Law and Democracy using its RTI Rating Methodology found that the Law scored 105 points, putting Yemen in a tie for 17th place in … Continue reading

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30th Anniversary of the Federal Access to Information Act

Thirty years ago today, on 28 June 1982, Canada adopted the Access to Information Act, recognising the right of citizens to access information held by government. This progressive and hugely important step placed Canada among a small vanguard of nations that have recognised the right to information, a right that fundamentally underpins a healthy democratic … Continue reading

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International Mandates Deplore Attacks on Freedom of Expression

Today, the 13th annual Joint Declaration by the four specialised mandates of the UN, OAS, OSCE and African Commission tasked with promoting and protecting freedom of expression was launched in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. This latest Declaration, prepared with the assistance of the Centre for Law and Democracy and ARTICLE 19, expresses “abhorrence … Continue reading

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Minister Collins’ Comments about the Centre for Law and Democracy

In a News Release of 14 June 2012, the Honourable Felix Collins, Minister of Justice of Newfoundland, commented on a media report citing research by the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD). The research, the RTI Rating, involves an assessment of all national access to information laws, undertaken by CLD and another highly respected international … Continue reading

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Newfoundland: Amendments Would Significantly Weaken Openness

At a time when the right to information is being strengthened around the world, the government of Newfoundland’s Bill 29 would be a major step backwards for government transparency according to an assessment by the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD).

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Yemen: Comments on the Right to Information Law

In the aftermath of the revolution that forced Yemen’s long standing President, Ali Abdullah Saleh, from power, one of the main demands of the Yemeni people has been for greater government accountability. On 24 April 2012, Yemen’s legislature passed the Law on the Right of Access to Information, which is currently awaiting presidential assent before … Continue reading

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Somalia: Analysis of draft Telecommunication Law

CLD recently published an analysis of the draft Somali Communications Act of 2012. The draft, which was prepared by the African Union/United Nations Information Support Team, at the request of the Minister of Information, Posts and Telecommunications, provides only a very framework set of rules for broadcasting, focusing instead largely on telecommunications. We understand that … Continue reading

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Myanmar: Workshops on Broadcasting and Print Laws

The Government of Myanmar has made a strong public commitment to undertake a programme of democratisation, including through creating an environment in which freedom of expression is respected. A key part of this will be to create an enabling legal environment for a free media, adopting new democratic laws and repealing or amending the many … Continue reading

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Indonesia: Large RTI Requesting Exercise Leads to Key Recommendations

CLD and AJI held a workshop in Jakarta today as part of a project which has trained local groups working in different sectors to make requests for information. The project has created a significant database of requests for information, made to different public bodies and focusing on different issues. A study of their experience was … Continue reading

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