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Panel Discussion Launch of SDG16 DI’s 2021 Global Report

7 December 2021. Toby Mendel, the Executive Director of Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), will today be speaking at an online discussion panel from 11:00 – 12:30 EST at the launch of the 2021 Global Report of the Sustainable Development Goal 16 Data Initiative (SDG16 DI). The SDG16 DI is a consortium dedicated to promoting non-official data on the implementation and tracking of progress toward the targets that comprise the UN-adopted Sustainable Development Goal 16 on achieving peaceful, inclusive and just societies by 2030. The 2021 SDG16 DI Global Report is a resource on civil society methodologies designed to measure progress on SDG 16 targets and indicators. Toby Mendel is the author of two of the chapters in the Global Report, one on disinformation and one assessing progress towards achieving SDG Target 16.10.

“The pandemic has obstructed both the official and non-official measurement of progress on SDG 16, while disinformation has had a serious negative impact on both,” said Toby Mendel. “The SDG16 DI Global Report provides important insights into both of these issues and how non-official data can deepen and enrich our understanding of where countries are in terms of achieving SDG 16.”

The panel, Impact of the Pandemic on Measuring Progress of SDG16+: Looking Forward, Tackling Obstacles, is being convened by International IDEA, the current coordinator of SDG16 DI. The panel will be moderated by Massimo Tommasoli (International IDEA) and feature Toby Mendel (CLD), Sarah Long (World Justice Project), Haakon Gjerløw (Peace Research Institute Oslo), Ivana Vucinic (Global Forum for Media Development) and Miguel Otaola (International IDEA). Panelists will present the main findings of the Global Report and, in doing so, will help articulate the linkage between SDG 16 and the fight against corruption, respect for human rights and resistance against rising authoritarianism.

To attend the online discussion panel, please register here.

To read the Global Report, click here.


For further information, please contact:


Toby Mendel
Executive Director
Centre for Law and Democracy
Email: toby@law-democracy.org
+1 902 431-3688
twitter: @law_democracy

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