30 July 2021.
The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), with the support of the Global Media Defence Fund run by UNESCO, is running a project designed to support the formation and development of national networks of lawyers dedicated to media defence work and promoting freedom of expression.
“Media lawyers’ networks can be crucial forums for building media law as a specialisation, bolstering legal protection for media freedom, exchanging knowledge and supporting strategic litigation,” said Toby Mendel, Executive Director, CLD. “Despite the obvious advantages, such networks exist in relatively few countries. This project aims to change that by raising awareness about their benefits and how to go about creating one.”
CLD will host an open webinar outlining the benefits and activities of media lawyers’ networks, sharing some key resources we have developed to support this work and discussing the steps which need to be taken to establish such a network. The webinar will be held at:
- Name: Introduction to Creating a Media Lawyers’ Network: Open Webinar
- Date: 10 August 2021
- Time: 13:00 UTC
- RSVP: Email laura@law-democracy.org to obtain the link for the webinar
A link to the agenda for the workshop is available here.
CLD has developed a number of resources to assist lawyers who are interested in forming a Network. These include a brochure explaining the project, a Background Note on Media Lawyers’ Networks and a Model Constitution to serve as a guiding template for those interested in drafting a constitution for a new network. These resources are available in different languages at: https://www.law-democracy.org/projects/media-lawyers-networks/.
If you are unable to join the webinar but are interested in this idea, please contact us by email and we will be in touch about possible follow-up opportunities.
For further information, please contact:
Laura Notess
Legal Officer
Centre for Law and Democracy
Email: laura@law-democracy.org
+1 782 234 4471
twitter: @law_democracy